About us
Alpha Import was founded in 1995 and continued rapidly evolving as a private owned company of professionals with a distinguished experience and knowledge and a clear vision to establish new standards in sales, distribution and business in the area of construction. Our company ALFA IMPORT based in Skopje, successfully and with great quality, works for 15 years on the Macedonian market as an independent company with private capital in the construction and building materials. The action field of this company covers distribution in all warehouses in Macedonia.
The main motto of the company is quality and durability.
The modern processes of generating the values held by our company provide efficient, effective and proactive business thus proving their long-term stability, quality and worthiness to its work. We act with great care, dedication and competence. Today, we approach our customers honestly and responsibly, diligently trying to meet all their requirements. The experience and enthusiasm is recognizable feature that allows monitoring and adapting to the needs of the construction market in Macedonia.
Alpha Import is exclusive importer which advocates famous foreign companies like Univerzum Kurbshnica, Toza Markovic Kikinda, Zorka Opeka Shabac, Rapid Apatin, Bitumenka Saraevo, Terran Ungarija. Moreover, our company imports from the famous construction- manufacturing companies like Ursa, Kanuf Insulation, Potisjle Kanjiza (TONDACH) I Xella Corporation.
From the beginning till today Alfa Import builds recognizable image, based on trust, loyalty and close cooperation with partners.
The company disposes with:
- quality distribution network
- developed extensive sales network , supported by the whole logistics infrastructure
- wide range of building materials
- spacious and well organized warehouse
- flexible commercial and financial service
Our employees with varying degrees of education are considered the most valuable resource of the company. Alpha Import team consists of experienced professionals with extensive experience in the construction industry. With their professionalism and expertise they represent the most important part of our business .They offer innovative construction products and solutions in order to increase energy efficiency in homes and apartment buildings. Moreover, they all contribute to our success through their abilities, skills, experience, performance and commitment to work. Corporate social responsibility in business is a feature of our employees.
Mission, Vision and Goal
Our mission consists of creating a leading sales and distribution solutions to the building materials market, consistently meeting the needs of our customers.
The mission of Alpha Import is to build a better future. Investing in a stable and growing market, Alfa Import wants to create a portfolio that will provide steady growth.
We are constantly improving processes generating values to create a long term relationship of loyalty with our suppliers, employees, customers and consumers through sustainable growth and maximization of profits, market share and competitive advantages for suppliers, offer the best rewarding productive portfolio for consumers.
Our vision is to create sustainable growth by positioning ourselves as leaders in the sale of construction materials, which will provide a stable partnership with our clients and achieve the highest standards in construction in Macedonia. The vision of Alpha Import is to be a leading producer of construction materials, known for social responsible operation and stable creation of new values for customers, owners, employees and the community.
The loyalty and commitment are responsibilities that we owe to our customers. The values reflect the relation that we build with our employees, customers and the associates. These values are our culture and way of implementing our vision. Trust, reliability, commitment, communication, teamwork and innovation are the image of our company.
Alpha Import provides an opportunity for employment of young and ambitious people who can offer new ideas.
Employment opportunities in already existing businesses with the ability of creating a team for new activities.
Alpha Import encourages anyone interested in a study practice to apply. If you are ready to join us please send your resume and cover letter to info@alfaimport.com.mk or fill in our online form.

Most of the construction products of Alpha Import have certificates for factory production control, and thus entitled to mark the certified products with. These certificates confirm that with the control of the production of the products in the factories, the certified products are in accordance with the requirements of European standards.
Tondah‘s tiles have the European quality certificate.
Natureplus is a new European mark of quality that indicate environment friendly products , products with high quality values in the area of living and building materials . Functionality , health safety and close relationship with the available natural resources , are just a few of the criteria that were used to evaluate candidates for Natureplus. TONDAH® always stands for absolutely pure, natural products. No chemical additives, and when nature gives us exactly that i.e. clay and its elements, we treat them carefully and with love and make high quality tiles for future generations.
TONDAH® has received this certificate among the first manufacturers of clay roofing products.
Ecology and Sustainable Development
ENVIRONMENTAL CORRECTNESS OF THE MATERIALS = stone and glass mineral wool by Knauf Iisolation possess safety certificates for human health – EUCEB ( European Certification Board for Mineral Wool Manufacturers ) , an independent confirmation that ensures that mineral wool meets the criteria for non cancerous materials . The growing concern in developed countries due to dissipation of energy and global warming has put the need for energy saving in the foreground. Given that the building is identified as the largest consumer of energy ( 40 % of total consumption in Serbia 47 % ) , paying more attention to their energy balance , as well as in the construction of new buildings and renovation projects . Isolation of stone and glass wool is the best paying long-term solution to save energy in buildings. Well insulated walls , floors and ceilings provide a pleasant temperature in summer and winter , reducing the need for heating and cooling , which reduces power consumption to a minimum . Once installed insulation is long saving – it lasts as long as the building itself .
Stone wool is produced from volcanic stone and dolomite diabase and basalt. Basalt is a very hard volcanic rock, harder than granite. Dolomite is a colorless crystalline limestone and has a mixture of iron and magnan. Diabase is a mineral. Stone wool is used in building construction as an application for sloping roofs, floor construction, exterior walls, ventilation facade, interior walls, interior floor constructions and flat roofs. Due to its mineral composition, stone wool is classified as a mineral wool.
The production process takes place in a factory in Surdulica, Serbia. The raw materials are melted at high temperatures, thus providing“lava “that with the help of centrifugal wheels become fine fibers which are then deposited into velor …
Post-processing … , the products are created which provide thermal , acoustic and fire protection .Stone wool offers thermal insulation , sound insulation , fire protection , product durability , waterproof and steam- permeable features , resistant to microorganisms and chemical substances and most importantly safe for the environment.
Energy Efficiency
We are constantly working on conservation and sustainable use of energy. We have already achieved remarkable results in energy consumption. Energy efficiency is very important, and in the future will be even more important. To carry out energy efficiency, we must adapt to new sources of energy and new ways of saving it. Energy efficient buildings are only one part of the global energy efficiency.
The concept of passive houses today the highest energy standard in construction , reducing energy consumption for heating up to incredible 90 %.
Proper application of energy efficiency in everyday life and action allows saving energy consumption up to 30 % . To achieve this it is necessary to apply certain standards and energy efficiency concept which should be complete process that offers solutions that guarantee serious savings.
Quality and Warranty
Quality roof is a permanent all-weather , waterproof , long lasting , easy for building in, easy maintenance . Quality roof must have easy opportunity for reconstruction and should be environmentally acceptable . All the above features are owned by the roof solutions of our company . We guarantee for the quality with the numerous awards and certificates received as a sign of top quality , tradition , environmental awareness and contribution to sustainable development.
The guarantee of quality for all tiles is at least 30 years. If the buyer decides to complete the roof structure with NEXE KROVOPLUS roof equipment, extended warranty is accomplished 30 + 10 years. Tiles are products produced from soil, mixed with water, dried in the air and finally baked on fire! Products of pure nature, without chemical additives. They are baked at temperatures higher than 1000 ° C and with that their life expectancy is longer than 100 years.